JCARI-LA’s Governance Structure
Two essential elements of a governance structure are a set of principles governing the responsibilities that our member organizations and individuals have to each other and a set of principles governing the responsibilities that each member organization is expected to perform. The following principles are proposed for consideration by Coalition members:
Acting as a Community:
to Each Other
We strive for consensus on the matters we consider; however, we cannot be certain that we will always reach consensus. To work toward consensus without imposing any controversial view upon our members, we have adopted the following approach with respect to any initiative proposed for support by the Coalition (an “Initiative”):
While more than one representative may attend Coalition meetings, each member institution has one vote in decisions of the group.
Non-Profit organizations are welcome to join as members of the Coalition and will be identified as Affiliate Members. They each have one vote in determining the Coalition’s activities.
Organizations are considered members of the Coalition when they formally submit a standard form to the Chair or Vice-Chair. If any representative of an organization believes that they cannot commit their synagogue to an initiative without obtaining approval by that organization’s staff, clergy, board, or other person or entity, the initiative will be regarded as a “Special Initiative” and will not be voted upon at the Coalition meeting at which it is raised.
Organization representatives are expected to report to their organizational leaders the nature of any Special Initiative. Each organization will consider a Special Initiative as promptly as practicable and report back to the Coalition no later than the next meeting of the Coalition (or earlier if the situation requires more prompt action) as to whether that organization supports the Special Initiative.
An organization will not be treated as supporting a Special Initiative unless the organization’s representative reports back to the Coalition that it affirmatively supports the Special Initiative.
A Special Initiative will not be deemed to have been approved by the Coalition unless at least 75% of the member organizations approve it.
If at least 75% but less than 100% of the member organizations approve a Special Initiative, all public references to the Special Initiative by the Coalition will indicate that the Special Initiative is supported by a substantial majority, but not all, of the members of the Coalition. If any organization desires to be named as an organization that does not support a Special Initiative, all public references will acknowledge that statement.
We note that in the experience of other local coalitions, none have ever needed to treat an initiative as a Special Initiative. However, out of respect to each other, we believe it important to assure that member organizations have an opportunity to disassociate themselves from specific actions of the Coalition while still supporting the overall mission of the Coalition.
Acting Within the Community: Responsibilities as
a Coalition Member
Each member organization should be committed to:
Send one or more representatives to Coalition meetings;
Report back to his/her organization on items being considered by the Coalition, including all Special Initiatives;
Report back to the Coalition on the member organization’s interest in specific Coalition initiatives, including all Special Initiatives;
Assume responsibility for one or more Coalition initiatives from time to time;
Encourage the organization’s congregants to participate in response teams as issues arise;
Help coordinate communications when the Coalition seeks to put out information to the greater community;
Provide input on how money that is raised shall be used;
and Engage in the work of the Coalition and the activities the Coalition supports. Engage their congregation in those activities and actions, when a congregation feels it is appropriate.